Monthly Report Aloha! It’s time again to report your hours and your student’s progress for last month. Please fill in the form below. Let us know even if you didn’t meet with your student this month for some reason. We need this information to keep our grant funding; grantors especially like student comments about their progress and want to know of any achievements you may note on the checklist. Even if you have now stopped working with your student, our records show that you were active during the month; please report that activity! Tutor Email The tutor email entered on this form must match the email address on file. Correct spelling and proper email address is required to successfully submit report. Month Picklist:--None--January February March April May June July August September October November December Year: Start Date: Student Name: Times Met During Month:--None--0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Hours of Actual Instruction: Other Hours (Preparation, etc.): Book Type:--None--Laubach Challenger Voyager Endeavor Other Book Number:--None--1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Not Applicable Lesson Number: GOALS CITIZENSHIP Studying for Citizenship Registered to vote/voted Applied for/got citizenship DRIVER’S LICENSE Studied for driver’s license Got driver’s license EDUCATION Attended GED/Cbase classes Registered to vote/voted Job/skill training classes Completed GED/Cbase classes EMPLOYMENT Filled out application Got a raise Got a job (PT or FT) Used reading/writing for work assignment Find a job/got a promotion LIFE SKILLS Read medication labels/prescription Found information online Got an email account Open/used a bank account Read news magazines/equipment manuals Read bills or lease agreement PARENTING SKILLS Read to Child Volunteered at child’s school Read/wrote letters from/to school Helped child with homework LIBRARY SKILLS Applied for library card Borrowed books/materials GENERAL SKILLS Student is able to read independently Has better comprehension Student has more confidence Other Goal: Student Comments about Tutoring: Tutor Comments, Questions, Concerns: