Give the gift of literacy
Hawaii Literacy’s mission is to empower Hawaii’s children and adults with reading, writing and lifelong learning skills. Our five programs focus on those with the lowest literacy skills and help underserved children prepare for and succeed in school, give adults a second chance to learn to read and write, and train hundreds of literacy volunteers to teach in our communities.
Your donation will help create equity in our communities and will connect learners to the skills and resources needed to achieve life goals.
Encouraged and Empowered
Kat was introduced to Hawaii Literacy through the Family Literacy Library at Mayor Wright Homes. Kat would take her children to the Family Library, watching as they played brain games and worked on literacy activities. To pass the time, Kat helped the HL team by putting together literacy kits and leading small group activities. She also participated in HL’s Parents Attentive to Learning workshops, story hours, community events and excursions, which helped improve her own reading, writing and leadership skills. Recently, Kat started working as a part time teacher at a local school nearby, crediting HL’s Family Literacy Libraries with giving her the experience and encouragement she needed to pursue her dream of employment.
From Driver’s License to U.S. Citizen
Ernest is an immigrant from Ghana who lives on Kauai. He came to Hawaii Literacy to get help with his reading and writing skills to pass the written portion of his driver’s license text. After being introduced to his Adult Literacy Program tutor, Jakki, Ernest found out that he could take his written test in Ghanian. While waiting for the test in Ghanian to become available, Jakki and Ernest kept working on his literacy skills and Ernest applied to be a U.S. citizen – and passed. Ernest also passed the written exam and driving test to get his driver’s license. Ernest and Jakki are currently working on increasing Ernest’s literacy skills so he can take the GED, which he knows will lead to better job opportunities in the future.
“I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and make my life better for my family…If you know me, knew
my life, Hawaii Literacy helped me with resources and showed me aloha even when I thought I was
“Mahalo to all the people at Hawaii Literacy’s Adult Literacy Program for all you do. I couldn't have
gotten where I am now without the collective effort made by all of you, to facilitate the program. I will
continue to honor the people who supported, believed, and created the path for me to go about getting my G.E.D. I will continue to honor my own dream, potential, and blessings by getting the most of the
educational system!”

Hawaii Literacy
245 N. Kukui Street, #202
Honolulu, HI 96817
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