Keiki taught important lesson to stay healthy, keep germs from spreading (KHON2, 7/21/2017)

Keiki taught important lesson to stay healthy, keep germs from spreading (KHON2,  7/21/2017)

Throughout the summer, diseases like mumps have been keeping the state Department of Health busy. With school about to start, the push is on to prevent the spread of disease. As of Friday, July 21, the mumps outbreak is up to 172 cases so far this year.

Heath officials are fighting back with a new program focusing on teaching students the importance of protecting themselves from germs. Before lunch gets started, students at Hawaii Literacy’s lunch and learn program know exactly what to do: wash their hands.

Kauai Adult Literacy seeks students to work on reading, writing

Kauai Adult Literacy seeks students to work on reading, writing

HANAPEPE — Kanani Santos was never a good student. He seldom paid attention in class and his relationship with teachers was subpar.

Add those traits to a lack of commitment and focus, and the sum was that reading and writing had been difficult for the 39-year-old business owner.

Live Kokua Community Walk

Live Kokua Community Walk

On Saturday, April 1, Bank of Hawaii held its 11th annual Community Walk at Hawaii Convention Center to benefit three nonprofit organizations whose missions center around education, youth and environment. Employees selected the walk’s beneficiaries through online voting, and then raised a total of $110,320 in donations for Hawaii Literacy, Kids Hurt Too Hawaii and Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii.

Central Pacific Bank's Walk Raises $180,000 for Hawaii Literacy and more

Central Pacific Bank's Walk Raises $180,000 for Hawaii Literacy and more

HONOLULU, HI May 13, 2017 – Central Pacific Bank (CPB) employees, family and friends gathered at Honolulu Civic Center Sky Gate Park on Saturday, May 13, for their eighth annual CPB Walks For You event. Four checks totaling $108,291 were presented to the following employee-selected beneficiaries: Friends of Youth Outreach Hawaii, Hawaii Literacy, Hawaiian Humane Society and Lanakila Pacific Meals on Wheels.


Hawai'i Literacy Wants You to Join Visitor Industry Charity Walk (Hawai'i News Now, 5/17/2016)

Hawai'i Literacy Wants You to Join Visitor Industry Charity Walk (Hawai'i News Now, 5/17/2016)

Hawaii Literacy, Inc. has received funding from the Charity Walk for the past four years to help fund its Bookmobile program. The core goals of the highly popular Bookmobile Program are to measurable increase access to books, build key literacy skills, and promote a love of reading for keiki at risk for illiteracy and school failure. 

First Insurance Company of Hawaii Makes Generous Donation (Midweek 2/3/2016)

First Insurance Company of Hawaii’s (FICOH) First Community Action Team and Charitable Foundation donated $2,500 to Hawaii Literacy. Pictured are (from left) Hawaii Literacy assistant director Shayna Yatsushiro, FICOH manager of administration Suzun Weeks-Pell and Hawaii Literacy adult literacy program manager Darci Walker. 

​Aloha United Way releases $3.6M to Hawaii nonprofits, including Hawaii Literacy (Pacific Business News, 05/26/15)

Forty-five Hawaii-based nonprofit organizations will benefit from a $3.6 million investment from the Aloha United Way as the nonprofit umbrella organization launches a three-year impact investment initiative, officials said Tuesday...

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans returns to Hawaii, Hawaii Literacy Donation (Meet Hawaii, 11/6/15)

As an educational association committed to providing a retirement security framework to its participants, the Foundation recognizes the critical role literacy plays in taking that first step toward a secure future. With this mission in mind, the Foundation is giving back to Hawaii’s local community by making a $15,000 donation to Hawaii Literacy, an organization that works to equip individuals with the ability to read and write through classes taught solely by volunteers...

If you can read this, you can help (Hawaii Business, 14/11/15)

Attorney Nancy Youngren was looking for a volunteer opportunity that would really make a difference in an individual’s life when an ad for Hawaii Literacy caught her eye. She looked no further.

Starting in early 2011, for almost three years, Youngren volunteered with the same person once a week until the woman happily broke the news that she had found a job...

Making a difference in the future of others (The Garden Island News, 6/7/14)

Kauai’s Hawaii Literacy program is seeking to find more volunteers that are interested in becoming a English tutor. If you may be interested please feel free to contact us at 332-5544 and if you prefer  email A minimum of a six-month commitment is requested for tutors in order to make consistent progress.  If you are also interested in becoming a student please feel free and contact us through phone or email. There is no charge for the services, but their is a workbook fee of $11.25 each.

Hawaii Literacy Student is a Proud Graduate (KHON2, 06/01/14)

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Congratulations to Richard Johnson for graduating from  Leeward Community College with a high school diploma! Richard spent the last seven years working towards his life-long dream of earning a diploma with help from wonderful tutors.

Central Pacific Bank Helps Its Employees Give More to Local Non-Profits, including Hawaii Literacy (Midweek, 4/23/14)

“Central Pacific Bank (CPB) donated $3,000 to local nonprofits [including Hawaii Literacy] on behalf of employees Lee Moriwaki, Larissa Johnson, and Roberta Rivera. The donation was part of a yearlong employee rewards program that tracked the community service efforts of CPB employees. The employees who participated in the most community service projects were awarded money to donate to the nonprofit organization of their choice. ”


National Bookmobile Day (April 16th, 2014) celebrates all of the nation’s Bookmobiles along with the hard-working staff members and volunteers who dedicate their time to bring this service to their communities every day.

Pua’ena Burgess and Scott Simon were featured on KHON 2 Wake Up 2day. This celebration is a chance for all of us to thank those involved with our very own Bookmobile and is definitely a chance to get involved.

Here’s how YOU can help:

  • Make a donation to the Bookmobile
  • Volunteer weekly at one or more sites
  • Hold a yard or book sale and donate proceeds
  • Donate copy paper, gas cards, school supplies, or other items from our wish list
  • Thank our donors for supporting the Bookmobile
  • Be sure someone is reading to every child you care about

We would like to say mahalo to all of our generous sponsors.
Thank you for helping us bring books and a love of reading and learning to the Waianae Coast!

Pizza Hut Literacy Fund & Pizza Hut Hawaii, Hawaiian Electric Company, Friends of Hawai’i Charities, The Campbell Family Foundation & The Harry & Nee Chang Wong Foundation.


Hawaii Literacy was chosen as one of four $5,000 award recipients at the Junior League of Honolulu 90th Anniversary Celebration on April 12, 2014. The $5,000 award granted to Hawaii Literacy will help to fill a crucial need for funding and support for the Family Literacy Summer  Program, providing much needed library, literacy, and educational activities for children living in Kuhio Park and Mayor Wright Homes.

Each year, Hawaii Literacy works to grow a Summer Reading Program that encourages children to read at least eight level-appropriate books while out of school. Our staff is there to support and assist them in reading books that challenge them and help to inspire a love of reading. The Family Libraries are also there to help families transition back into the school year, providing school supplies, registration information, information fairs, referrals, and support for both parents and children in order to increase the chances of a successful new school year.

The Junior League of Honolulu’s past partnerships with Hawaii Literacy have greatly impacted our programs, from the start of our weekly Saturday Story Hours to the amazing renovation of the Mayor Wright Family Library space. We are grateful for their support!


Each year, Hawaii Business selects 20 emerging leaders who have made big contributions to Hawaii and are expected to make an even bigger impact within the next 20 years.

Fujita is the VP of Consumer Sales & Product Marketing at Hawaiian Telecom, overseeing the residential and business call center for sales and service, the door-to-door sales team, bulk agreements for residential buildings, and pay phones.

Congratulations to Board Member Jason Fujita for being recognized for his achievements!