As long as illiteracy hurts families in Hawaii, we will work to ensure every person gets another chance to learn to read.
A legacy gift is a way to support local keiki and adults' efforts to build the literacy skills they need and will use throughout their entire lives, and the lives of their children after them.
Legacy donors don't have to be millionaires. In fact, most significant legacy gifts come from people who have been long-time volunteers or annual donors and who want to see the cause they have given so much to continue to thrive in the future.
When you set up a legacy gift to support Hawaii Literacy, you have the option to become part of the Hawaii Reader’s Legacy and join a group of people as passionate and caring as you are in making sure that every adult as well as child in Hawaii will be able to read and write.
A legacy gift can be tailored to support the specific purpose or program you most care about. While there are many ways to leave your legacy of caring, we have provided information on 3 easy-to-set-up options.
charitable Bequest
A bequest can be made by anyone! Your specific plans can be stated on a will, trust, or beneficiary designation form.
Retirement accounts
Enjoy a tax advantage during your lifetime or leave a legacy gift that will enable future generations in Hawaii to build needed literacy skills.
Life Insurance beneficiary
By naming Hawaii Literacy as a beneficiary, you can make a significant gift that leverages your premiums into a major gift for local communities.
What happens to my assets without a legacy plan?
Many of us never complete a will, and we lose the chance to continue to support causes that have been close to our hearts, sometimes for decades. Hawaii's intestate law states that without a will or beneficiary designation, all of your assets are left to your spouse and immediate family. If there is no spouse or immediate family, more distant family members will need to be located by your executor, and if that is not successful, then all assets may go to the State of Hawaii.
With a will you can make your wishes known, making sure your family is taken care of, and if you desire, that a portion of your assets continue to support the causes you care about. In fact, a legacy gift may give you the chance to make a bigger gift than is possible now, sharing your assets and aloha to help future generations of families in Hawaii.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss your legacy gift, we would be happy to send you information or connect you to an independent professional legal or tax advisor. Please contact us at info@hawaiiliteracy.org or (808)537-6706 to learn more.